from the Rodriguez/Dominguez Familia
Christmas Letter Carta Navideña <CLIQUEA AQUI PARA VERLA EN ESPAÑOL

Disclaimer: As with all these letters, the truth is in the eyes of the author… And, certain facts have been withheld or exaggerated to protect the innocent (and the guilty ! )

Thank you for your friendship & love in ’07.  We look forward to the same – and more! – in ’08 and long after that.

Our family’s 07 was truly blessed with wonderful events, occurrences, and happenstances:

Rembe Jr., graduated from the University of Maryland and has landed a truly ‘dream job’.  He is the Ballpark Operations Coordinator for the Washington Nationals, something that he was able to get only after demonstrating a tremendous commitment and tenacity first as a volunteer then as an intern.

Iggy has committed to Swarthmore College where he’ll be certainly challenged academically, and continue his baseball "career."  He was blessed with having commitments from other excellent institutions (Tufts and Catholic U., among others), but chose Swarthmore for its strong academic and values-driven tradition.  Iggy’s summer baseball camps/showcases were our ‘mini-vacations’, taking us to places such as Dartmouth, Boston, Jupiter (FL), and Virginia.

Geraldina’s work with HIV/AIDS has taken her back to India, Australia, Chicago, San Diego, New York…  Yet, she reminds us of the true absurdity and embarrassing fact that our own Washington, D.C. has a similar incidence of HIV/AIDS as some African nations.

Reemberto – now part of the 50+ gang! – continues his work with community building and organizing that has kept him engaged in the Gulf Coast… And, he reminds us that no, all is not back to normal for those affected by the storms of ’05, regardless of what the media may be saying (or rather, not saying!)

We are saddened to share that Zen passed away.  After 13 ½ years of truly being a ‘happy-go-lucky’ dog, he simply gave out… We’ll always remember his lovingly unselfish dog-ways … and, we are certain he is in ‘dog heaven’.

The extended family keeps extending!  3 weddings; 7 births; 1 adoption; wedding anniversary celebrations; and, all but two ‘old Sotolongo’ now in their 80’s!... So, needless to say, we made it a point to take trips to some of these events whenever we could, seeing both the young and the old of the family – and taking plenty of pictures!

Our ‘family pride’ (the young generation) keeps making us proud: new lawyers; grad students; businessmen; priests… WOW: The ‘Cuban Way’ is certainly making its mark felt loud & clear J  …  &, it is no longer just South Florida: it is now California, Georgia, New Jersey, DC area, back in the old country (Cuba), and soon: who knows where?!?

Our family pride also is reflected in the increasing number of ‘causes’ that different members of the family are choosing to get involved with: Autism, Brain-Cancer Research, Arthritis, El Salvador Foundation, missions in Mexico, higher education efforts – particularly for Latinos - and countless local initiatives in parishes, civic groups, and neighborhoods… It DOES make us all very proud, indeed!  (hmmm… maybe next year we’ll create a list of who-is-doing-what so others will know too?!? – Sounds like a web-project ! )

Through the year, our friends and professional and civic colleagues kept reminding us that there are a heck of lot more good people in this world than we often realize…  It is these relationships that nourish our own commitment to simply ‘do the right thing’ in whatever capacity we may be at; it is their advice, friendship, and examples that keep us grounded and focused on ‘what matters’…  Looking at our increasing web of relationships in our many “communities” (Silver Spring, the NIH; NeighborWorks America; the Nationals - & the broader baseball world; St. John’s – and soon to be Swarthmore; Holy Trinity; the ACU; Frijoles; and many more) we are extremely thankful that the Almighty has blessed us with a nexus to so many “good people” – like you :-)

Again, thanks for the love & friendship in ‘07… c/u in ’08!

Reemberto Sr., Geraldina, Rembe Jr., & Iggy
Live Life Loud... The Cuban Way!

Carta Navideña

Como con todas estas cartas, la verdad es la del autor… Y ciertas cosas se exageran o no se dicen para proteger al inocente (o culpable ! )

Gracias for tu amistad y cariño en el ’07.  Esperamos siga – y aumente! – en el ’08 y mas halla!

Nuestra familia fue verdaderamente bendecida en el ’07 con tremendos eventos, ocurrencias, y casualidades:

Rembe, Jr., se graduó de la Universidad de Maryland y consiguió un trabajo verdaderamente de “sueño”.  Es uno de los directores de operaciones con el equipo de béisbol de los Washington Nationals, algo que consiguió solo después de demostrar tremendo compromiso primero como voluntario y después en un internado que hizo con ellos.

Iggy se ha comprometido a ir a Colegio Swarthmore donde seguramente le será difícil académicamente, y continuara su ‘carrera’ de béisbol.  Tubo que escoger entre varios colegios excelentes, incluyendo a Tufts (Boston) y la Universidad Catolica en Washington.  Pero, escogió Swarthmore por su tradición académica y sus valores.  En el verano fuimos a varias ‘mini-vacaciones’ cuando Iggy iba a sus campamentos de béisbol, incluyendo Dartmouth, Boston, Juniper (FL), y Virginia.

Geraldina sigue con su trabajo con el SIDA, el cual la ha llevado a India, Australia, Chicago, San Diego, y Nueva York… Asi todo, nos recuerda que es absurdo y de pena que en nuestra capital aquí en Washington, DC, existe un porcentaje de personas con SIDA parecido a algunos países en Africa.

Reemberto, ya en el campo de los de mas de 50 años, continua su trabajo en desarrollo comunitario, el cual lo sigue llevando a los estados del Golfo… Y, nos recuerda que no, todo no esta normal en esos lugares donde las tremendas tormentas del ’05 ocurrieron, digan lo que digan (o no digan!) los medios de comunicaciones.

Nos entristece compartir que Zen falleció.  Después de 13 anos y medio de ser verdaderamente un perrito extremadamente amigable, se dio por vencido… Siempre lo recordaremos como un buen perrito… y, estamos seguros que esta en el ‘cielo de los perros.’

La familia sigue extendiéndose!  3 bodas; 7 nacimientos; 1 adopción; celebraciones de aniversarios de boda; y todos menos dos de los Sotolongos viejos ya en los 80s!... Así que, va sin decir, hicimos el punto de ir a algunos de estos eventos, visitando con la familia – y tomando fotografías!

Nuestro ‘orgullo familiar’ (los jóvenes) siguen dándonos razón para estar orgullosos de ellos: nuevos abogados, graduados, agentes de negocios, sacerdotes… WOW: Se ve que nuestra Tradición Cubana se siente fuertemente J  y, no solo en el sur de la Florida, si no también en California, New Jersey, DC, in en Cuba; y pronto, quien sabe donde mas?!!?

Nuestro orgullo familiar también se refleja en el numero de causas que diferentes miembros de la familia han escogido para trabajar como voluntario: Autismo, Cancer del Celebro, Artritis, La Fundación Salvadoreña, misiones en México, esfuerzos para facilitar que estudiantes latinos tengan acceso al las universidades… Nos hace muy orgulloso!... Y quien sabe? – Puede ser que el ano que viene empecemos una lista en la red para ver quien esta haciendo que!

A trabes del año, nuestras amistades personales, profesionales y civica nos recordaron continuamente que en el mundo hay muchas mas personas buenas que lo que realizamos… Son estas relaciones que le dan animo a nuestro compromiso ha ‘hacer lo correcto’ en todo; son su consejo, amistad, y ejemplos que nos mantienen enfocado en ‘lo que es mas importante’…  Viendo nuestra red de relaciones in nuestras varias ‘comunidades’ (Silver Spring, el NIH, NeighborWorks América, los Nationals – y el mundo de béisbol en general, St. John’s – y pronto Swarthmore, Holy Trinity, la ACU, Frijoles, y muchas mas) estamos extremadamente agradecidos a Dios que nos ha bendecido con el nexos a tanta “buena gente” – como tu :-)

Otra vez, gracias por su cariño y amistad en el ’07 – y nos vemos en el ’08!

Reemberto Sr., Geraldina, Rembe Jr., & Iggy
¡Vive gritando, y contento... Como todo buen Cubano!

BACK (by popular demand*)
*Updated - & enhanced! - through '06 pics...
If you saw last year, kool; if not, check it out!
"Santa Through the Years"

Check it out...
NOTE: It'll take a bit to load,
and then it runs for about a minute.
May your & your loved ones be at peace this season and beyond…   In this 10th anniversary of the passing of a true 20th Century hero, Mother Teresa of Calcuta, it is only fitting that we honor her by conveying her own words as our family’s Christmas message:

The fruit of silence is prayer.
The fruit of prayer is faith.
The fruit of faith is
The fruit of love is service.
The fruit of service is peace.

Que tu y tu familia estén en paz estas Navidades y siempre… En este, el decimo aniversario de la muerte de una heroína de verdad del siglo XX, la Madre Teresa de Calcuta, es digno de que nuestro mensaje Navideño sean sus palabras:

El fruto del silencio es la oración.
El fruto de la oración es fe.
El fruto de la fe es
El fruto del amor es servir.
El fruto del servir es la paz.

And, in the true spirit of Christmas, here's a beautiful poem by Maya Angelou:


Into this climate of fear and apprehension, Christmas enters.

Streaming lights of joy, ringing bells of hope

And singing carols of forgiveness high up in the bright air.

The world is encouraged to come away from rancor,

Come the way of friendship.

It is the Glad Season.

Thunder ebbs to silence and lighting sleeps quietly in the corner.

Flood waters recede into memory.

Snow becomes a yielding cushion to aid us

As we make our way to higher ground.

Hope is born again in the faces of children.

It rides on the shoulders of our aged as they walk into the sunsets.

Hope spreads around the earth. 

Brightening all things,

Even hate which crouches breeding in dark corridors.

In our joy we think we hear a whisper.

At first it is too soft.  Then only half heard.

We listen carefully as it gathers strength.

We hear a sweetness.

The word is Peace.

It is loud now.  It is louder.

Louder than the explosion of bombs.

We tremble at the sound. We are thrilled by its presence.

It is what we have hungered for.

Not just the absence of war. 

But, true peace.

A harmony of spirit, a comfort of courtesies.

Security for our beloveds and their beloveds.

We clap hands and welcome the Peace of Christmas.

We beckon this good season to wait a while with us.

We, Baptist and Buddhist, Methodists and Muslim, say come,


Come and fill us and our world with your majesty.

We, the Jew and the Jainist, the Catholic and the Confucian,

Implore you, to stay a while with us.

So we can learn by your shimmering light

How to look beyond complexion and see community.

It is Christmas time, a halting of hate time.

Maya Angelou

"Look beyond complexion and see community"  Maya Angelou
(See complete poem at bottom of column to the left.)
Note that we added Miranda (our niece) to this year's pic... We wanted some 'gender balance' :-)
Our "gifts" to you!
If you'd like a reprint, please visit the Norman Rockwell Museum HERE

click HERE for a special "virtual" gift!
...and from our good amigo, Joe Gonzales in Denver.. .Check it out by clicking the image...